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Who Owns the ePortfolio?

Sep 15

2 min read




ePortfolios are a great way to showcase student learning. Some people question who is the owner. It does not seem like this question would be so important. However, Learners Mindset (2023) shares that ownership in student learning changes everything and that it is important for student choice and voice in making meaningful connections. Students will take more ownership if they have control over the entire process. If I create a project template, build it the way I want it, then have my students add their input to it, I don't believe students would have the same level of engagement and perceived ownership of the project.

Students need to be in control of their product to maximize choice and voice in the evidence of their learning. In the way that Lamar has their students create their ePortfolio, I believe we are the owners. I have decided which platform to use to build my ePortfolio, I have designed it to show my personality, and I have chosen how to present my information to my intended audience. I don't think this is the case everywhere though. Watters (2015) makes a good point when we consider where the work is housed. Some school's have their students work housed in a learning management system (LMS) owned by the school and cannot be accessed once the semester is over. Although the learning belongs to the student, the products that were created and left on the LMS then are owned by the school.

These are important ideas to consider when choosing how to have your students develop an ePortfolio. I considered having my students use a Google site since we are a Google district, but what happens when my students leave the district? Their work does not follow with them. In order for the ePortfolio to be owned by the learner, these are some items I need to reflect on.


Learners Mindset. (2023, September 4). ePortfolio who [Video]. YouTube.

Watters, A. (2015, July 15). The web we need to give students. Bright Magazine.

Sep 15

2 min read





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